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Welcome to PKA - Traditional Karate for Your Wellbeing
PKA Affiliations
World Budo Karate Association
New PKA Video

The vision of the Power Karate Academy
To Teach Traditional Shotokan Karate
To Develop truly confident yet humble students
To Provide a highly technical and energetic environment
for our students to learn from
"The process of learning to be a good teacher is dynamic and ever evolving." Sensei Toru Shimoji

Family Oriented
The Power Karate Academy (PKA) is a family-oriented traditional martial arts dojo (school) that provides quality instruction in a safe yet challenging environment.

Karate is not just for kids. We have a classes on Monday and Wednesday evening just for you. This class is a great way to clear your mind, enjoy a challenging workout while learning some thing new. The hardest thing is actually making the decision to get up and try it! Hope to see you there!

Developing Mind & Body
Shotokan Karate is a traditional martial art which develops important skills useful in everyday life. It improves character and mental discipline as well as physical skill. Shotokan Karate is accessible to all: men, women, and children, with or without athletic ability. Karate trains both the mind and body to maximize physical effectiveness controlled by a clear, focused spirit.

Team Spirit
Sensei Power and his brothers, Barry and Darrell, have competed at the national and international level. Their immense success has been due in part to an unwavering commitment to team work. The Power Karate Academy instills a sense of team spirit that is cultivated through partner training and a dojo atmosphere where everyone is valued.
Personal Development: The instructors of the PKA take pride in planning and developing each student to the best of their ability. We do this by ensuring that each student is prepared and has met the requirements prior to their grading. We want to ensure that the student has mastered their basics before they graduate to the next level. We have evaluations/gradings that will be scheduled each quarter. Just because there is a grading scheduled does not mean each student will be graded. Students will be all evaluated and it will be communicated to the student and family if the student will be eligible for grading.